
Need Deemed OEM? Yes we can help you out.

If you are an Importer or a sister concern of any foreign company, still you can claim OEM Panel & Dashboard by providing your's and manufacturers documentation with manufacturer's manufacturing process documents and video assessment will be done to foreign company's manufacturing site. Below is the description of process how we handle.

Vendor Assessment As Deemed OEM - To assess you as OEM and give you OEM Panel & Dashboard GeM has designed their Vendor Assessment policy's for different type of manufacturers and they have assosiated third party agency for validating the assessment. It's Devided in 2 procesess, 1st is Desktop Assessment and 2nd is Detailed Video assessment of your manufacturing site. In both process our team will explain you, support you and guide you to prepare documents and after collecting documents from you will submit all the required documents in assessment panel. Also my team will guide you how to handle the assessment video call by demonstrating sample video calls.

What is Deemed OEM?

Deemed OEMs are the representatives of the manufacturing entities having their manufacturing unit in foreign countries. To sell on GeM Indian entity will be able to register, no foreign companies will be directly registered on GeM.